Drain & Sewer Cleaning, Pipe Thawing, Sewer Inspection

Drain and Sewer Cleaning
Hibbing Heating & AC, aka Hibbing Drain Cleaning, has been cleaning drains since it's inception. We currently have five sizes of sewer and drain cleaning machines to select from.
We have recently added a high pressure sewer and drain jetting machine to our fleet. This state of the art sewer cleaning rig is able to open everything from a small trap clog to a 10" pipe clogged with tree roots.
Thaw Frozen Pipes
We are also able to thaw frozen sewer system lines with this same machine.
Video Sewer Inspection and Sewer Location
We also have a sewer camera which can identify problem spots in the drain pipes. The camera has video recording capability, and we have a line locator to identify exactly where your sewer line is located in the event that we need to excavate and repair the pipe.